We have a pair!

Pattern: Jaywalker from Magknits
Yarn: Trekking XXL #75
Size 1 needles
I'm really happy with both the pattern and yarn. Although they aren't perfectly matched stripe-wise, they are obviously a pair. With Trekking, you don't know what will happen next in the stripe pattern and I love that. Also, These are densely knitted so they'll be great when it's windy and cold. They do hug the ankle and heel very nicely ( Some knitters have said it feels tight. I think it is perfect and socks always loosen up after you have them on anyhow), just as I had hoped. They're my new favorites!
Those are tres cool. How would you rate them on a difficuty scale with one being no experience, and 10 being knitting professional?
Thank you! If you've done plain socks before, they are only slightly harder because of the stitch pattern (you need to pay attention to where you are). But overall, they are easier than they look. They are an intermediate level project, I guess. Would that be like a 5?
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